homemade grits
July 24, 2020
What you’ll need:
~1 batch
1 gallon whole milk
1/2 gallon chicken stock
1/2 gallon heavy cream
1/2 gallon water
2 lbs unsalted butter
1/2 cup kosher salt
2 tbsp black peppercorns
66 oz. Antebellum coarse grits
In a large rondeau or cooking vessel, bring all of the wet ingredients to a rolling boil.
Slowly whisk in all of the grits, and continue to whisk for one minute.
Add kosher salt and black pepper.
After you have stirred for one minute, drop the heat to the lowest simmer possible.
Once grits have become cohesive with the liquids, add butter and cook out until finished (1-1.5 hours)
Check for seasoning at the end, remembering you will season again when heating up grits.
Transfer to a storage container and cool completely in fridge.
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