
medcenter air

April 26, 2020

We’re so proud to be part of the Belmont and Gastonia community, and lucky to have such incredible partners. We love MedCenter Air, and they love Feel Good Meals. Read on to learn more about this life saving organization.

Special Partnership: 

Each week during the Coronavirus crisis, excess ingredients have been crafted into meals and donated. Feel Good Meals has partnered with MedCenter Air to coordinate the distribution of our meal donations with the larger healthcare network. We will share updates weekly via social media on where donations are delivered.

Who are they?

When minutes can mean the difference between life and death, Atrium Health’s MedCenter Air is there for fast, reliable, emergency and critical care patient transport services.

With their fleet of jets, planes, helicopters and ambulances, MedCenter Air offers rapid patient transport and support for EMS responders throughout the region. The fixed wing aircrafts are operated by GAMA Aviation, LLC; the rotor-wing aircraft are operated by Air Methods Corporation. Their custom-equipped vehicles serve as mobile critical care units for medical facilities, EMS providers, insurance companies, managed-care organizations and the public.

What are we doing together?

Feel Good Meals recently partnered with MedCenter Air to donate our meals to the healthcare heroes working within the facility.

When were they established?

They’ve been saving lives since 1986.

Where are they located?

There is actually no specific location, as they have multiple bases around the region.

Why do we love MedCenter Air?

As many of us sit comfortably at home, the employees at MedCenter Air are putting their lives at risk every single day they go into work. We are so fortunate to have them on the frontlines taking care of those who need it most right now.

How can I show my support?

Interested in giving back? Nothing shows gratitude like a hot and scrumptious meal! Donate Feel Good Meals to our incredible healthcare heroes and make their day. Click the button below to get started.


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