
scalloped potatoes

August 21, 2020

“Whether you call them au gratin, dauphinois, or scalloped, they will always be known as delicious. Impress your friends when you present a beautifully baked, golden brown dishes of creamy scalloped potatoes” -Chef Ant

What you’ll need:

~two 4” pans

  • 20 lbs russet potatoes

  • 4 quarts heavy cream

  • 4 quarts half and half

  • 1/2 cup garlic

  • 1/2 cup kosher salt

  • 4 tbsps white pepper


  • Spray two 4" hotel pans with food release/pan spray.

  • Add half of each ingredient to each pan.

  • Toss gently. Cover with foil. 

  • Bake in a 350 degree oven for 1 - 1 1/2 hours, until Potatoes have a jello-like consistency.

  • Mix Potatoes at 30 minutes.

  • Pull from oven, and allow to cool in fridge over night.

  • Reheat when ready to eat.


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